What is Aleph?
- A new programming concept!. It allows
interactivity by the combination of compiler and interpreter. Like
scripting languages it is interpretative and like “normal”
languages it acts as a compiler. Any typed command will be executed
or, if a creation command was the last, compiled. Aleph is strictly object oriented and has
a lot aspects of the FP-paradigm (functional programming). Values
(numerical or whatever) are available only by functions. Any literal
is either a known function or a identity-function of a value. There are variables available, but without
types. A variable may contain values, objects or executable
sequences. This is the consequent implementation of mathematical
composition. To keep the length of sequences short, the
normal notation is postfix (RPN). Of course there are tools to use
the other infix and/or prefix notations. The postfix notation has
historical and pragmatic reasons. Historical in the sense of its
Forth ancestry (just like Java), pragmatic because it is much easier
to program.
Virtual Machine V2M
- V2M means "Squared Virtual Machine" The V2M is at
first a virtual machine. Any virtual machine needs a executive
machine to have elementary functionality. In Forth, Pascal or Java
the CPU is used. So the basic instructions are given by the CPU
instruction set. To make the System usable there are a lot of
libraries (packages) needed. The V2M uses Java instead a hard CPU.
So any Java command is a V2M command. Because Java has a virtual
machine (JVM) and V2M has a virtual machine that uses the JVM you
can say V2M is a "virtualized virtual machine".
First Contact
- There is a small (tiny) GUI to make the
first steps easier. The GUI is completely written in V2M code
because there must be an usable example. Installation with
Download the v2m.zip
into a dictionary of your choice.
Go into the choiced dictionary.
Unpack v2m.zip.
Start with java
- If there is no system wide Java
installation the path to the local Java installation must be put
before java (/my/java/path/jdkXX/bin/java
testV2M), where
stands for your installing path. Any Java version beyond 1.4.2_05
is ok, that is the XX
stands for. So any actual version (Java 5/6) can be used. If you
compile with any of this newer versions, keep in mind that the
classes are no longer compatible to JDK1.4.
The V2M creates the following Frame:

- Keep your console open to see the
system output. Now type in
1 2 3 .S
First this is simply text. Click "Start"
and in the console appears
Stack = [ 3 2 1 ]
This shows the contents of the data stack.
Now click "Clear" and type in
. . . .S
Really tree dots each followed by
a space. The console shows
Stack = [ 3 2 1 ]321Stack = [ ]
Detailed Informations
- To find out more, see the folling links. konnten.